
Michelle- 33

"I had the pleasure of meeting Murray when I contacted him for weight loss counseling. Throughout my life, I have tried many different “diets” to lose weight and have not been successful. Working with Murray, I learned how to understand the food I eat and how my body responds to food. Murray did not limit my eating habits and customized my eating plan according to my lifestyle. Murray helped me make behavioral changes that caused me to focus on the bigger picture, my health, not just the goal of losing weight. It has been six months and I have lost 24 pounds total. Working with Murray has improved my health. Murray is very professional and dedicated to his clients. You won’t regret working with him!”

“I wanted to add more muscle to my frame and was having the hardest time. I tried to do it on my own but I was not seeing the results I wanted. I work out regularly and felt my food intake and choices were adequate. I decided to meet with Murray and we mapped out a plan. After putting our plan into action, I have gained 8 pounds in a little over two months, not to mention, my body fat percentage is still in a healthy range. My time working with Murray was well worth it.”

Jamal- 26

Reed- 20

"As an athlete striving for peak performance, I knew that nutrition played a crucial role, but I was struggling to optimize my diet for my specific training needs. After two months of working with Murray, diet optimized. Working with Murray was a game-changer for me.”

"Murray took into account not just my athletic goals but also my individual preferences and lifestyle. The guidance I received wasn’t just about a generic meal plan; it was a tailored strategy designed to fuel my workouts, aid recovery, and enhance my overall performance. Practices are now easier and my performance during games are to my standard.”

Justin- 21

James- 18

“As a young athlete, I used to think I could eat whatever I wanted as long as I worked out. Until I met Murray, he would always tell me “you can’t outwork your diet.” Since working with him, I have more energy and I am crushing my workouts and practices. I am confident on what I should eat before, during and after practice, workouts and games. My coaches have also noticed the changes. I feel a lot more confident in my abilities in every aspect of my game.”Murray was positively relentless in his pursuit to help me get to my goal. He is an excellent motivator and always looked at the glass half full. Days where I wanted to quit, Murray was always there to support me and get me back on track to keep going.”

“Since implementing Murray’s recommendations, I've noticed a significant difference in my team’s performance. Their energy levels are more consistent, their recovery time has improved, and look stronger during training and competitions. It’s incredible how much of an impact the right nutrition can have on athletic performance.”

Coach Bailey- Track & Speed Coach

Howard- 46

“I was having issues with my digestive track where certain foods would cause bloating, pain and other issues. During our sessions, we pinpointed different ways on how to figure out which foods were causing the issues, which foods are easier to digest, and which foods I tolerated better. My symptoms have decreased and thanks to Murray, I know what foods to eat or not eat so much of. His patience and spirit to help me always made me feel comfortable that we were going to get to a solution. Murray was positively relentless in his pursuit to help me get to my goal. He is an excellent motivator and always looked at the glass half full. Days where I wanted to quit, Murray was always there to support me and get me back on track to keep going.”